Iowa lawmaker calls for retroactive gun ban, confiscation of semi-automatic weapons

Dan Muhibauer

In an interview with the Daily Times Herald in Caroll, Iowa, state Rep. Dan Muhlbauer said governments should start confiscating semi-automatic rifles and other firearms.

Muhlbauer, a Democrat from the western Iowa town of Manilla, is a cattleman and farmer. The newspaper reported that he owns a .410 shotgun, a .22 rifle and a .22 pistol.

“We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of them,” Muhlbauer told the newspaper during a December 19 audiotaped interview. “We can’t have those running around out here. Those are not hunting weapons.”

“We should ban those in Iowa,” he said, adding that such a ban should be applied retroactively.

“We need to get them off the streets — illegally — and even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,” Muhlbauer told the Daily Times Herald. “We can’t have those out there. Because if they’re out there they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns.”

The newspaper published excerpts from the interview Wednesday morning along with an audio recording of the full 15-minute interview.

“We have to change, and we have to get stricter and tougher with what we do,” Muhlbauer said.

The interview took place in the week immediately following the Dec. 14 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children dead.

“With all these shootings going on we have to start making radical changes and radical choices from what we’ve done in the past,” Muhlbauer said.

Republican Rep. Steve King, who represents western Iowa in Congress, is a gun-rights supporter who warned during an October 2102 debate against Democrat Christie Vilsack that the purpose of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “is to guard against tyranny because our Founding Fathers understood that if you did not have an armed populace, a tyrant could take over America.”

“So we have a responsibility not just to defend the Second Amendment in words, but do so in deed by hunting and target practicing and also self-defense,” King said.

One of King’s constituents published a letter from King on Jan. 2 in an online gun-rights forum. In the letter, the congressman said he was “heartbroken” by the Newtown, Conn. shooting but called the tragedy ”the act of an evil, and likely deranged, individual intent on committing horrifying acts of violence.”

In the audio recording, Muhlbauer blamed violent videogames, in part, for a coarsening of American gun culture.

“We’ve got these videogames out here for these little kids,” he said. “Maybe it’s time we start pulling them away, as far as — you know, they’re playing some really nasty games on there that are shoot-em-up and whatever — and evidently our culture is pulling you toward this. We’ve got to come up with ways to find out, you know, what’s triggering this, what has happened, We’ve had too many of these cases go on.”

Full Story

Source: The Daily Caller

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