
Latest Subscribers Articles

  • Creating Subscriber Lists (video)

    How to create emergency subscriber lists in

  • Adding Subscribers (video)

    How to quickly add subscribers to your emergency contact lists.

  • External Subscribers (video)

    How to use connect to external sources (Google Doc, etc.)

  • Creating Subscriber Fields (video)

    How to create custom subscriber fields for your alert lists.

  • Creating Campaigns (video)

    How to create emergency subscriber lists in

  • Creating List Segments

    List Segments & Subscriber Segmentation allow you to segment your alert list into smaller, more targeted alert lists.

  • Subscriber Fields

    Subscriber fields are custom fields you create to obtain more information from your subscribers. The mailing software, by default, will include fields for Email Address, First Name, and Last Name. Creating your own custom subscriber fields allows you to fine-tune the subscriber experience to your exact needs, while obtaining necessary information to enhance your objectives and goals.

  • Importing Your Email Address Book as Subscribers

    You can import your address book contacts into your Civil Dispatch account in just a few easy steps.

  • Importing Subscribers

    Rather than adding existing subscribers one-by-one, it's helpful to import many all at once.

  • Exporting Subscribers

    Export your subscribers to several formats.

  • Using Subscription Forms

    Subscription Forms are the gateway to your mailing/SMS list. Subscribers can come directly to your application to subscribe, or you can create individual, customized subscription forms and embed them anywhere on the web.

  • Remote API

    In order to use the API, you will need to write an application that can connect to the server where Civil Dispatch is located, send a request to it and handle the response it receives from your Civil Dispatch account. Usually (if using PHP) this can be done by using CURL library.

  • Integrate Subscription Forms with WordPress

    You can embed your email marketing subscription forms on your WordPress site with just a few clicks.

  • Integrate Subscription Forms with Facebook Pages

    Civil Dispatch allows you to embed subscription forms on any website. This provides the advantage of using our software back-end, in combination with your web presence front-end.

  • Integrate Subscription Forms using the API

    Subscription Forms are excellent ways to promote your newsletter on any website, even Facebook.

  • Integrate Mailing List Subscriptions with vBulletin

    You can integrate subscriptions to newsletters during the vBulletin registration process, so as to not force the user to submit multiple forms. The newsletter subscription will be submitted as soon as the user finishes registering for vBulletin access.

  • Integrate Mailing/SMS List Subscriptions with Joomia

    You can integrate subscriptions to your mailing/SMS lists in Joomla, which get displayed on the Registration page, and Your Details (profile update) public page.

  • How to Use Database Sync

    Civil Dispatch allows you to add subscribers (email/SMS addresses) in to your system through several different methods. One of these methods is through a feature called Database Sync.

  • Setting Up Bounce Management

    When sending campaigns, it's important to configure bounce management so you can track who is not getting your mailings and SMS messages and for what reason.

  • Integrate Mailing/SMS List Subscriptions with Joomia

    You can integrate subscriptions to your mailing/SMS lists in Joomla, which get displayed on the Registration page, and Your Details (profile update) public page.

  • Users and Groups for Controlling Your Application

    As a member of the "Admin" user group, you have the ability to add new users and groups to access the application.

  • Mail Sending Options

    Configure your mail settings for proper mailing applications.

  • Custom Email/SMS Headers

    Your mailing application can send custom email/SMS headers, which can be a useful way to exchange information using a standardized approach.

  • Supplying Conditional Content

    While preparing custom messages for users, it's often useful to display specific verbiage based on a personalization tag. In other words, if a personalization tag matches a certain condition, such as First Name being "Jim," you can provide a unique message in such situations.

  • Using Google Analytics for campaign read and link tracking

    You can enable Google Analytics to track reads and links in your campaign messages.

  • Alert Message Variables

    Alert message variables allow you to set variables that can be inserted into your email/SMS messages. When these alert messages are sent the variables would be replaced with whatever content was specified for that variable.