New Jersey Citizen Forcefully Removed From Hearing

James Kaleda ejected from hearing by NJ State Troopers
James Kaleda ejected from hearing by NJ State Troopers 

Second Amendment activist, James Kaleda, was forcefully removed from a hearing on a new gun control bill in NJ during his testimony.


Yes, James’ testimony got a little heated, but he was still making an intelligent argument.

Notice in the video the legislators laugh as they have their security (armed with guns of course) remove Kaleda before he finished his testimony.

Kaleda receives a standing ovation from the gallery during his ejection


From the Youtube description of the video:

    "James Kaleda explains that the proposed NJ Gun Bills will not save any lives but will endanger them. He is ejected by Committee Chair Senator Norcross. This took place at the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013."

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Source: YouTube

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