Preparing For A Hurricane : Last Minute Ways To Get Ready


In the midst of Hurricane Harvey, it makes us wonder if we could’ve been a little bit more prepared and if more people could’ve gotten out before the storm. Although we usually have warnings when hurricanes are going to make landfall, their strength, intensity, and destruction can be unpredictable and you can only be so prepared for what is to come.

While preparing ahead of time is ideal, here are some ways to prepare yourself last minute:

  • Monitor all local tv and radio stations.
    Most news and radio stations will let you sign up for text alerts that send emergency information to your phone when severe weather is headed your way.
  • Evacuate, if you can.
    If it’s not too last minute and your area has been asked to evacuate, get your survival kits together and get you and your family out of town. Some areas might have evacuation shelters set up or if you can, head to a friend and family’s house that is out of the danger zone. It is better to be safe and get out while you can than to be stuck and in danger.
  • Secure your home and check your supplies.
    Board up any windows and doors in your home to prevent as little damage as possible. Check what foods you have that require little preparation since you won’t have any access to microwaves or ovens.
  • Hit the store while you can.
    The most common items that you’ll need in your home when the storm hits are food, toiletries, and feminine/baby products, if necessary. Unfortunately, you aren’t the only person that is going to be shopping for these items so be prepared for long lines and for items that you need to be out of stock. If you have enough warning, get these items at least a week before the storm is expected to hit.
  • Eat foods in your fridge that might spoil.
    If there is anything in your fridge or cabinets that might spoil, eat it as soon as you can. When your power goes out, there is no saving these items.
  • Find flashlights and other power sources and make sure your electronics are charged.
    If you have any flashlights, make sure they are full charged along with your cell phones and any portable charging cases that you might have. If you don’t have that many flashlights, here are other sources you can use for light.
  • Fill your gas tank and an extra can.
    Fill up all your vehicles with gas before the storm hits and if you can, fill up an extra gas tank or two for emergency purposes. Many gas stations will run out of gas when it gets closer to the storm and most can’t pump gas if the power goes out.
  • Refill any prescriptions you need.
    If you do plan on evacuating, send your prescriptions to a pharmacy that is out of the danger zone and near where you are planning to evacuate.


If you are wanting to help those that have been affected by Hurricane Harvey, click here to donate any amount that you can to the Red Cross. Even the smallest amount can go a long way to helping those that have been misplaced by this disaster.

If you haven't already, sign up for text alerts from Civil Dispatch to receive alerts when severe weather is headed your way!

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