(NaturalNews) Like a ticking time bomb, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns of a deadly new coronavirus known as Middle East Respiratory Symptom Coronavirus, or MERS-CoV, that has reared its ugly head killing approximately 50 percent of its known victims thus far. There's no evidence showing from where the virus derives and no information whether it originates in any particular animal, according to WHO.
Initial contact
The New England Journal of Medicine reported in November 2012 on MERS-CoV, noting that initial symptoms mimic a mild respiratory flu.
Because researchers don't know where the virus comes from, there is no clear way of identifying how it's transmitted; however, they do know it can be passed from human to human based on a report in March 2013 by Eurosurveillance where symptoms appeared in a family group within 10 days.
Following initial flu-like symptoms, an upper respiratory tract infection develops with coughing, heavy mucus, and difficulty breathing, requiring hospitalization. As the virus aggressively invades the body's cells, the immune response is destroyed causing systemic breakdown, according to a study published in mBIO.
Pneumonia develops after several days along with other symptoms of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and the patient may be treated with "convalescent plasma," recommended by WHO. This is the clear fluid part of the blood containing antibodies taken from MERS-CoV survivors.
Death eventually results from multiple organ collapse in MERS-CoV victims in approximately 10 days for those not responding to conventional treatments.
Natural prevention and treatment
Natural treatments can strengthen the immune system, offering a better chance to resist MERS-CoV.
• Colloidal silver strengthens the immune system due to it's antiviral properties, destroying almost all pathogens. Take as an oral tonic and use in nebulizer for upper respiratory ailments including pneumonia.
• Oil of Oregano possesses germ-killing and anti-viral properties as effective as most antibiotics and anti-microbials.
• Garlic - Research confirms that garlic possesses numerous antioxidants that kill viruses and free radicals protecting the immune system. Taking garlic prophylactically may help to protect against various pathogens and prevent the onset of disease.
• Echinacea strengthens the immune system against a variety of infections. This powerful herb possesses the ability to destroy the most virulent bacteria and viruses.
• Pau D'arco relieves a wide range of infections including those initiated by viruses. Pau d'arco is used by the Indians of South America to strengthen the immune system and fight life-threatening diseases.
• Mullein relieves chest congestion from coughs, colds, pneumonia and the flu. It acts as an expectorant, loosening trapped mucous.
• Phosphorous - Painful cough accompanied by extreme thirst for icy cold water, which is vomited shortly after getting warm in the stomach.
• Bryonia - Hard, painful, deep cough made worse by the slightest movement. Patient grasps chest during coughing to stop motion of chest wall. Cough early on during illness accompanied by extreme thirst for large quantities of water.
• Antimonium Tartaricum - Coughing worse when patient is excited or angry. The cough is often rattling and productive, causing vomiting of food and mucus. Cough is accompanied by weakness and difficulty coughing up mucus. Patient is irritable, demanding and depressed. The tongue may be coated white. Cough worse after warm drinks.
• Coccus Cacti - Cough with choking and accompanied by vomiting strings of ropy mucus from both nose and mouth. Cough worse in the morning and almost non-existent at night and made better drinking cold water.
• Arsenicum Album - Cough accompanied by extreme weakness, restlessness, anxiety and fear of being alone. Extreme thirst for small sips of cool water. Cough accompanied with burning pains throughout, which are better with hot drinks. End stage diseases.
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Source: JEAN BARDOT, Natural News