Senate Votes NO on Toomey-Manchin “Compromise” Gun Control Bill

Senate Votes NO on Toomey-Manchin “Compromise” Gun Control Bill

At 4:27PM the Senate voted against the proposed Toomey-Manchin “compromise” gun bill which was to be added to the Democrat’s gun bill as an amendment.

The amendment needed 60 votes to pass and was defeated with a vote of 46-54 during a roll call vote presided over by Vice President Joe Biden.

This is viewed as a huge setback for gun control as the Toomey-Manchin amendment was viewed as the only piece of bi-partisan legislation thought to have a chance to pass the Senate.

Any gun control would have a tough going in the GOP controlled House of Representatives.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid casts the last NO vote for the amendment, allowing him to bring the matter up again.

According to POLITICO,

Reid will hold a press conference Wednesday afternoon where he is expected to announce he will pull the gun bill from the Senate floor after the amendment process plays out. None of the controversial amendments are expected to pass, according to Democratic and Republican senators and aides.

His anticipated decision to pull the underlying bill leaves open the possibility that it will come up for floor action at a later date. Manchin and the bill’s supporters would then have more time to try to garner support for a future attempt to pass their proposal.



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