One of the acts that would eventually spark the War for American Independence was when the British government authorized Writs of Assistance to British officers in the colonies. This gave government the power to search any residence or business without any warning, supervision or rules. Soldiers were allowed to walk from door-to-door, house-to-house, searching and confiscating property to their hearts’ content.
Between parades, concerts, picnics and fireworks, the Fourth of July holiday is rich with joy and celebration. Independence Day allows us to celebrate the freedoms and liberties we enjoy each day, often without giving it a second thought. But the holiday we experience here at home in Nebraska is nothing like that of a solider fighting overseas, thousands of miles from friends and family.
Revelations about mounting government surveillance has people the world over looking for other, more private ways of going online. Dr. Katherine Albrecht, is a veteran privacy advocate and a spokesperson for StartPage, an alternative search engine…
Revelations about the National Security Administration's Orwellian PRISM surveillance system have prompted a lot of questions about how much—and where—the government is watching people on the Internet.
GEISMAR, La. (AP) -- An ground-rattling explosion at a chemical plant in Louisiana ignited a blaze Thursday that killed at least one person and left dozens more hurt, officials said.
The Department of Homeland Security is purchasing hundreds of items of protective gear for its fleet of Federal Protective Service officers in order to prepare for “riot control situations,” increasing concerns that the federal agency is readying for domestic unrest.
Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Meanwhile, our president claims that we cannot have 100% security and 100% privacy and that as a society we have to make some choices. To that I say, no Mr. President, we don’t.
In the United States, we are supposed to have a government that is limited with its parameters established by our Constitution. This notion that the federal government can monitor everyone’s phone data is a major departure from how Americans have traditionally viewed the role of government.
A best-selling author and technology expert has said that web users should boycott internet giants like Google and Facebook if it is confirmed they were involved in a US surveillance programme referred to as Prism.
Recent revelations about the National Security Agency's expansive data-collection efforts have underscored the power of electronic surveillance in the Internet era and renewed an historic debate over how far the government should go in spying on its own people.