
Category Archive: General

Fukushima tsunami warning lifted after strong quake hits Japan. A tsunami warning was issued for waves up to three metres has been issued after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit northeastern Japan. People were being warned to evacuate low-lying areas and Tokyo Electric Power Co was checking its nuclear plants for any damage.

One night you suddenly see a drone hovering next to a window of your home. Outraged, you shoot it down. Somebody calls the police because they heard a firearm discharged, and ten minutes later you hear a knock on your door.

So many people ask, “Why should I go vote? Does my vote even matter?” And the answer is a resounding YES!

It should go without saying that there is a LOT of attention and weight on the upcoming election.  I ran across the following article, and personally took action ahead of time, based on the information he shared, in anticipation of certain events.  However, if you don’t have the extra cash sitting aside right now I strongly suggest you take the actions in the following article by James Wesley Rawles.  Of course, this doesn’t serve as legal advice, and we suggest you consult your attorney before taking any actions.

This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 8 P.M., Saturday, October 13th, 2016. Condition code is Yellow. DEFCON 3.

Watch the six part video series below and you will deeply understand how to create your own solar back-up system when your grid collapses.

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A power company in the Midwest hired a group of white hat hackers known as RedTeam Security to test its defenses. We followed them around for 3 days, as they attempted to break into buildings and hack into its network, with the goal of gaining full access. And it was all much easier than you might think. Based on our experiences, it would seem that power companies need to step up their game in the fight against cyber attackers or it could be “lights out.”

Survival Food – 10 You Should Be Growing Yourself

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Between parades, concerts, picnics and fireworks, the Fourth of July holiday is rich with joy and celebration. Independence Day allows us to celebrate the freedoms and liberties we enjoy each day, often without giving it a second thought. But the holiday we experience here at home in Nebraska is nothing like that of a solider fighting overseas, thousands of miles from friends and family.

We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades.