
Category Archive: News Alerts

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Bill O'Reilly Warning to Americans....America Projected To Collapse 2013

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This father of a Newtown, CT 5th grader, who was placed on lockdown during the events of the Sandy Hook school shooting absolutely schools the CT State legislature on the Constitution of the United States and the Connecticut Constitution.

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(AP) - "I want to see my kids! Bang! Bang!" the man shouted as he stormed into the front office of a South Carolina elementary school and pointed a handgun at a secretary and custodian. Both went limp at the verbal gunshots, and the "shooter," a police officer taking part in a school safety drill, continued his rampage.

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Over 1000 Green Berets have signed a letter re-asserting their oath to support and defend the Constitution by protecting the second amendment rights of American citizens.

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Alleged hacked emails from defense contractor Britam reveal a plan “approved by Washington” and funded by Qatar to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime, fulfilling what the Obama administration has made clear is a “red line” that would mandate US military intervention.

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The Virginia House of Delegates approved a bill Friday that would see state agencies and employees forbidden from helping to enforce Federal gun control measures in the state.

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North Dakota lawmakers are looking to get tough on potential direct actions taken by President Barack Obama, proposing a bill to grant the Legislature the right to review, approve or reject any executive order issued by the president.

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NRA CEO and EVP Wayne LaPierre, in addressing an audience at the 56th Annual Weatherby Foundation International Hunting and Conversation Award Dinner in Reno, Nevada, cited comments made by President Barack Obama at his Inaugural speech. "'We cannot mistake absolutism for principle,'" LaPierre qouted the president as saying. LaPierre argues that Obama wants to turn the idea of "absolutism" into another word for "extremism" and wants Americans to accept the idea of "principles" as Obama sees fit to define them.

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Lone Star College, located in north Houston, was put on lock down Tuesday after reports of several people being shot and injured on campus, reported.

Public Input Prevented as Cuomo Seizes Gun Rights in Overnight Session, with Secret Deals, Procedural Shortcuts and Midnight Votes