In life, there are always going to be situations outside of our control. Life’s emergencies often come with no warning and hit harder than originally thought. From minor emergencies to full-on disasters that can bring us to our knees. And when we see or hear about people caught in one of these emergencies and they (and their communities) aren’t prepared for what happened that it startles us into wanting to take some action on our own.
Fukushima tsunami warning lifted after strong quake hits Japan. A tsunami warning was issued for waves up to three metres has been issued after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit northeastern Japan. People were being warned to evacuate low-lying areas and Tokyo Electric Power Co was checking its nuclear plants for any damage.
It should go without saying that there is a LOT of attention and weight on the upcoming election. I ran across the following article, and personally took action ahead of time, based on the information he shared, in anticipation of certain events. However, if you don’t have the extra cash sitting aside right now I strongly suggest you take the actions in the following article by James Wesley Rawles. Of course, this doesn’t serve as legal advice, and we suggest you consult your attorney before taking any actions.
This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 8 P.M., Saturday, October 13th, 2016. Condition code is Yellow. DEFCON 3.
Watch the six part video series below and you will deeply understand how to create your own solar back-up system when your grid collapses.
It’s not secret that an EMP is the #1 threat we are facing in our country. Our outdated and overused electrical grid is a primary target for terrorists and a ticking time bomb for Sun flares and other natural disasters. Are you ready to recover from an EMP? This Free survival guide reveals the 9 actions you must take immediately following an EMP strike to ensure you and your family’s safety.
We the people are divided. We have divided ourselves into classes and subclasses, liberals, and conservatives, libertarians, anarchists, socialists, anarcho-socialists, minarchists, state based free market capitalists, anarcho-capitalists, Resource Based Economy advocates and more.
Survival Food – 10 You Should Be Growing Yourself
Does being a prepper show a lack of faith in God? Should good Christians reject prepping altogether? Yesterday, someone actually accused me of being “anti-faith” because I am encouraging people to prepare for the coming economic collapse. This person believes that if I had faith, then I would make “no provision” for what is ahead and simply trust “in God’s providence alone”. So is that person right? Is it really “anti-faith” to prepare for the coming economic collapse? I spent quite a bit of time thinking about these questions today.
When SHTF you can’t rely on your backup water supply without having a way to replenish those reserves. This guide will go over emergency SHTF water sources and sustained water sources.