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A Harvard Study titled "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?" looks at figures for "intentional deaths" throughout continental Europe and juxtaposes them with the U.S. to show that more gun control does not necessarily lead to lower death rates or violent crime.

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Why let a pesky little thing like Congress or the will of the American people get in your way to achieve your political goals?

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Following up on Ace's post here is Biden telling Chris Matthews back in 2007 that he is deadly serious about attempting to impeach Bush if he goes to war in Iran without congressional authorization:

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‘All for one and one for all’ should be the battle cry if the West goes to war against Assad’s Syrian regime

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So I have some great news folks! The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress and the White House FINALLY came together and agreed on something. This is HUGE. These guys disagree on EVERYTHING! Getting them to see eye-to-eye is like getting the Jews and the Palestinians to do a trust fall together. Or getting Eskimos and polar bears to play Jenga.

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CDEAMS Alert: There are two nuclear reactor leaks in the United States at this time, one on each coast. Both Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington the other at Salem Nuclear Power Plant. New Jersey.

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From the Department of Homeland Security building a domestic army to the entire country going through an EMP disaster drill to FEMA demanding emergency food from Survivalist websites to more MASSIVE ammo purchases by government agencies.

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Nasdaq’s unexplained trading halt Thursday locked up trading in stocks with a total market capitalization of $5.7 trillion.

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With a massive coronal eruption from the sun, NASA warns of an approaching geomagnetic storm. While the effects will probably be mild, some power grid and satellite services could be disrupted.

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Take immediate steps to protect your wealth . . . NOW!