Blog is reporting that the US Senate has passed a bill opting the United States out of the proposed UN Arms Treaty. “We’re negotiating a treaty that cedes our authority to have trade agreements with our allies in terms of trading arms,” Sen. James Inhofe said. “This is probably the last time this year that you’ll be able to vote for your Second Amendment rights.”

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NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Applications for gun permits have jumped in Newtown, Conn., since a school massacre there revived the national debate on gun control and led to worries about new restrictions.

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CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA chief Charles Bolden has advice on how to handle a large asteroid headed toward New York City: Pray.

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Shortly after voters in Colorado and Washington State approved measures that legalized the recreational use of marijuana, President Obama told Barbara Walters that his Justice Department would not prosecute pot users in these states.

Episode 206 opens up with Brad Nietfeldt, Founder and CEO of Civil Dispatch. Hey mainstream media: If you did your job all questions would be answered, Joined by Exec Dir Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, And then we close with an update from NY Guns.

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When I go shooting with friends, we head out into the desert and inevitably we admire each other's firearms and swap 'em for a try to compare their accuracy, feel and overall abilities.

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Our company's founder web mogul Brad Nietfeldt will be featured on Gun Owner of America's radio show "Lock and Load" tomorrow March 15, 2013.

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The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved a renewed assault-weapons ban, advancing the measure to the Senate floor where it will face intense resistance from Republicans and other gun-rights supporters.

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A new poll released by the Pew Research Center has found that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights for the first time ever.

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The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice.