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It’s March, which means it’s Red Cross Month! Every March, the American Red Cross celebrates Red Cross Month to honor more than 300,000 volunteers who help fulfill the mission of the Red Cross organization across the country, as well as furthering the legacy of the Red Cross founder, Clara Barton.

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Last week, the 3rd deadliest school shooting in U.S. history happened, now it has students and parents across our nation asking what would YOU do if you found yourself in this life-changing situation ? We’ve covered mass shootings before, but this situation requires a different type of preparedness since it targets kids.

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Candy, flowers, cards, and stuffed animals have lined the aisles of every store in America, but these gifts won’t satisfy the needs of your beloved prepper. We have prepared a few last minute gift ideas that your prepper is sure to love this Valentine’s Day.

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The doomsday clock has ticked 30 seconds closer to midnight since the mishap with the accidental missile alert in Hawaii earlier this month. This sets the clock at 2 minutes to midnight and has everyone at the edge of their seats.

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Tsunamis, or seismic sea waves, are enormous waves that are caused by an underwater disturbance, such as an earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis can move hundreds of miles per hour in the open ocean and then smash into land with waves that can be as high as 100 feet.

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The Winter Olympics in South Korea are quickly approaching and the safety and security of U.S. athletes has brought up the question of whether Team USA might not be in attendance. The fear for the safety of Americans and our athletes at the South Korean Games comes after a number of missile tests have been launched in recent months.

In the 1930s, the Great Depression was a time of starvation and survival for a large portion of America. Many survivors from those dreadful years hold on to a lot of the answers that they learned. In this day and age, most of us don’t live the tattered lifestyle that we have seen in photos from that period. If the depression were to hit again, would we be able to survive as well as our great-grandparents did?

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Over the years, you have probably been told or read about several survival tips for when SHTF, but what are the chances ALL of them actually work? Not high. And they might just do you more harm than good! We are here to debunk these myths and set the record straight.

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Over the past couple of weeks, we have all seen on the news about the devastating wildfires that have scorched Southern California. People have lost their homes and Southern California has seen tens of millions of dollars in damage, but it’s not over yet.

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The holiday season is upon us which means long lines at the airport and potential delays. Traveling over the holidays is notoriously busy, expensive, and extremely stressful for you and your family, but traveling over the holidays doesn’t have to be all bad.