Our company's founder web mogul Brad Nietfeldt will be featured on Gun Owner of America's radio show "Lock and Load" tomorrow March 15, 2013.
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved a renewed assault-weapons ban, advancing the measure to the Senate floor where it will face intense resistance from Republicans and other gun-rights supporters.
A new poll released by the Pew Research Center has found that a majority of Americans now see the government as a threat to their rights for the first time ever.
The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice.
WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – The Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. has found that fewer Americans than ever trust the decisions made by the government.
NORTH Korea led by tyrant Kim Jong-un has sensationally vowed to launch a NUCLEAR attack on the USA.
Rand Paul's filibuster today, during which he demanded the Obama administration promise not to kill Americans with drone strikes on U.S. soil, was interrupted by a test of the government's emergency alert system.
Remember how Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has been trying to get a straight answer about whether the United States government reserves the legal right to assassinate American citizens on U.S. soil? Well, Attorney General Eric Holder has just answered the question in a letter to Paul, partially reprinted by Mother Jones.
President Barack Obama has the legal authority to unleash deadly force—such as drone strikes—against Americans on U.S. soil without first putting them on trial, Attorney General Eric Holder wrote in a letter released Tuesday.
Civil liberties are theoretically a bipartisan concern. Conservative Republicans who don’t like Obamacare’s “death panels” should be outraged by presidential kill lists. Liberal Democrats who defend due process ought to be offended by secret surveillance law. Protectors of the First and Second Amendments should have a high regard for the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth.