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WASHINGTON (AP) — North Korea has agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and nuclear and long-range missile tests in a breakthrough in negotiations with the United States, which is set to provide food aid in return.

“Stories like this just make us so sad. It makes us realize that we just cannot grow fast enough” says’s Facebook page in response to Monday mornings school shooting in Ohio. “It’s times like these when we realize how unprepared we can be. As parents ourselves, we can only hope that they had a plan of communication in place.”

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(CNN) -- Four students were wounded when a gunman opened fire in the cafeteria of a suburban Cleveland high school just as the school day was beginning Monday, law enforcement officials said.

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Lawmakers in Wyoming have introduced a bill that would compel the state to prepare for a complete collapse of the federal government, laying plans for an alternate currency, a standing army raised via a military draft, and an aircraft carrier.

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Unmanned military aircraft have tracked and killed terrorists in the Middle East and Asia. Their civilian cousins are now in demand by police departments, border patrols, power companies, news organizations and others wanting a bird’s-eye view that’s too impractical or dangerous for conventional planes or helicopters to get.

What have past acts of destruction taught us about what will happen to mankind after the apocalypse? Is it inevitable that disaster will someday strike America on an unprecedented level? How has history prepared us?

posted In Ethics & Politics

Today OpenDNS published The OpenDNS Anti-Censorship Policy. David Ulevitch, Founder/CEO says “It’s something we’ve always honored, but we’re so firm in our convictions about this particular topic that we felt it necessary to share our stance officially. OpenDNS does not provide content filtering services to governments or Internet Service Providers that contribute to oppression by censoring the Internet for their people.”

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has reported a magnitude 2.5 earthquake on the island of Hawaii occurring at 13:58:50 UTC on Friday, February 24th, following a magnitude 4.1 quake on Thursday and a seismic swarm that began early Wednesday.

What is an Emergency Action Plan? An emergency action plan (EAP) is a written document required by particular OSHA standards [29 CFR 1910.38(a)].

Does My Business Need an Emergency Action Plan? Probably!