TEOTWAWKI (or “The End Of The World As We Know It”), the day that all preppers have been spending their lives preparing for… What if that day never comes? Was all that money and time spent prepping a waste? Absolutely not! There are other things you can prepare for besides TEOTWAWKI.
On Monday, August 21st, 2017, a majority of the United States will be able to see the total solar eclipse for the first time since 1918. It will span from coast to coast and the entire continent will be able to see the moon passing in front of the sun, casting a shadow on Earth’s surface. The total eclipse will start in Oregon at about 10:15 AM (PDT) and will end in Charleston, South Carolina at about 2:48 PM (EDT). Plans for a safe viewing have been in the planning for quite sometime now. The great thing about this solar eclipse is that it doesn’t require any sort of equipment to view it, but it does require special equipment to view it SAFELY.
An earthquake is a natural disaster that occurs miles underground and occurs either from volcanic activity or the shifting of tectonic plates. Earthquakes are extremely hard to predict so it’s even harder to prepare you and your family.
Thanks to modern technology, we all know when storms are coming and we generally have an idea of how strong they are going to be, but nature works in mysterious ways and can bring a whirlwind of disasters along with them.
Moving out of your parents’ home and into your own apartment can be very frightening whether you are staying in the same city or moving out of state. Living at our parents’ home, we have never had to worry about paying for water, electricity, and the basic needs of running a household, but that all changes when you are on your own.
Flights are booked and bags are packed for your trip abroad, but are you really as prepared as you think you are? When traveling, whether it’s inside the country or overseas, we don’t think about the possibility of having to deal with an emergency, we are just simply on vacation.
Damaging winds or “straight-line” winds can come with any thunderstorm and they can be as damaging as tornadoes, uprooting trees and knocking out power lines. Straight line winds are hard to prepare for since they can come unexpectedly and can range in strength.
With the summer in full force, so is the heat for most of the country. Heat is the number one weather-related killer and can push our bodies to its limits and put you and your family in danger. Preparing for extreme heat should be done before the summer months arrive, so you aren’t caught off guard when you enter your first heat wave of the summer.
Hurricanes can be one of the deadliest natural disasters, destroying everything in its wake and sometimes you don’t have enough warning to adequately prepare you and your family. This month kicks off hurricane season and everyone in the danger zone should be prepare ahead of time to take a hit throughout the season.
Over the past years, the prepping movement has really taken off and more and more people are starting to do it, but those that aren’t preppers still don’t understand what exactly people are prepping for.