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WASHINGTON -- With recent legislation to strengthen background checks and ban assault weapons blocked in Congress, Representative John Tierney, a Salem Democrat, said he is introducing a bill to require handgun manufacturers to personalize their weapons to make them impossible to fire if they fall into the wrong hands.

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Defense Distributed, the company who last week used a 3D printer to print the first completely printed gun, with the exception of the metal firing pin, and used the weapon to fire a .380 caliber round successfully has had their 3D gun plans taken over by the US government.

As the East Coast of the United States recovers from Hurricane Sandy, aka “Frankenstorm,” the rest of us watch the unfolding aftermath from a distance – thankful Mother Nature hasn’t unleashed her fury on our doorstep today. Hurricane Sandy is yet another sober reminder that none of us are exempt from disaster. Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate. She doesn’t care where we live, what we drive, how much we make, or what we do for a living. Her antics are diverse and far-reaching. She has a recipe of devastation for all parts of the world: hurricanes, tornados, floods, wildfires, winter storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, heat waves, volcanoes, land-slides, and sometimes even a combo pack.

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A new $1 million dollar program led by Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw aimed at “violence prevention” is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful comments about the government, a chilling reminder of how dissent is being characterized as an extremist threat.

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Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings

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A TVA spokesperson confirmed that a security officer patrolling TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Spring City was involved in a shootout with a suspect Sunday at about 2:00 a.m.

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Shocking footage has emerged from Friday’s lockdown in Boston, where police, federal agents, national guard troops and SWAT teams enforced door to door searches of everyone’s home within twenty blocks as the entire city was placed under orders to stay off the streets.

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Local News catches Missile hitting TEXAS Fertlizaer plant causing mass explosion, taking the lives of up to 15 people, including local firefighters and injuring more than 160 people.

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The Toomey-Manchin gun contorl amendment was thought to be the Senate’s best shot at passing any gun control this legislation. It failed to reach the 60 votes needed, getting only 54 of the needed votes.

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At 4:27PM the Senate voted against the proposed Toomey-Manchin “compromise” gun bill which was to be added to the Democrat’s gun bill as an amendment.